Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stick puppets

This is a great way to have a puppet show- without going through a ton of work. My friend discovered them while randomly gluing popsicle sicks and yarn- and viola! A magical idea was created.

You will need...

  • popsicle sticks (bigger sizes are better)
  • pom poms
  • markers
  • yarn 
  • pictures
  • hot rule gun
First: Start with the hair. You can't hot glue pom poms or yarn onto the top part of the stick. If YOu are using a picture cut out the face and hot glue that to the top of the stick. 

Then Draw on your face with markers: Eyes , nose, mouth, eyelashes, eyebrows, unibrows, moles freckles- anything will work. It's your puppet. 

Then draw on the clothes, I prefer to go with simpler designs but you can do whatever you want. 

Finally glue a second stick to the bottom of the first one. This is one you can hold while moving the puppet around. This way you don't have to cover up half the puppet's body. 

My friend created some simpler puppets while I made some One Direction puppets. Sadly I can't find One Direction but I will post pictures of them when I find them. I will how ere, post my friends puppets as they are pretty cool. (Mine are still cooler) 


1 comment:

  1. Again I must say that I hate spell check. In the last paragraph it changed however to ere (which I have no idea what it means)

    I'll triple check my spelling next time! Sorry :D
