Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Total awesomeness about to be shown...

SO I'm obsessed with cool pets. I have pet rocks, pet dogs, pet cats, and a pet cracker (yes... it's true)

But today I'm going to share a little bit on cool pets right here. How to make a pet rocks.

You will need...

  • A hot glue gun
  • Beads
  • Rocks
  • Googly eyes
  • Sting/ribbon 
  • Feathers
Step one: Find a rock. Anywhere. But make sure it's cool. Then wash it. 

Step 2: Dry the rocks and lay out all materials

Step 3: Add the eyes. That is the MOST important part. If you don't have eyes, the rock can't live. Or he/she will be blind. ANd I think all pets should have the opportunity to see the world we live in. I mean, seriously, how could a pet live if they couldn't see a hamburger at least once in their life. 

But that's beside the point. Just ADD eyes!!

Step 4: Decorate the rock. Add a mouth, or a nose, or hair, or an ear, or a unicorn horn. 

Step 5: Name your rocks. I'm going to stick with awesome names for awesome pets. Ralph, Bob, and Dorothy. 

Here are 3 of my pets (I have more rocks, and a cracker named Marvin)
Ralph (He's really friendly)

Dorothy (Love her hair)
Bob (AH! He's a clown... I'm scared)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

One Direction Stick puppets

as promised in the last post- I will post pics of the One Direction Stick puppets I made.






Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stick puppets

This is a great way to have a puppet show- without going through a ton of work. My friend discovered them while randomly gluing popsicle sicks and yarn- and viola! A magical idea was created.

You will need...

  • popsicle sticks (bigger sizes are better)
  • pom poms
  • markers
  • yarn 
  • pictures
  • hot rule gun
First: Start with the hair. You can't hot glue pom poms or yarn onto the top part of the stick. If YOu are using a picture cut out the face and hot glue that to the top of the stick. 

Then Draw on your face with markers: Eyes , nose, mouth, eyelashes, eyebrows, unibrows, moles freckles- anything will work. It's your puppet. 

Then draw on the clothes, I prefer to go with simpler designs but you can do whatever you want. 

Finally glue a second stick to the bottom of the first one. This is one you can hold while moving the puppet around. This way you don't have to cover up half the puppet's body. 

My friend created some simpler puppets while I made some One Direction puppets. Sadly I can't find One Direction but I will post pictures of them when I find them. I will how ere, post my friends puppets as they are pretty cool. (Mine are still cooler) 


Friday, March 23, 2012

Cardboard houses

Perfect for cats and kids alike! Mini (or big) little houses to brighten your day!

-You will need

  • cardboard 
  • scissors
  • markers
  • and imagination
Step One: cut cardboard flaps off box
Step Two: tilt it to one side (the floor)
step Three: Picture what you want your "house" to look like
Step Tour: Color it with every once of imagination you can muster.

Thanks to my friend Cat Girl for this AMAZING idea- she's amazing! 


completely off topic but I can't believe the Hunger Games movie FINALLY came out... sooo excited :D :D :D :D :D

Saturday, January 7, 2012

pom-pom strings

you will need...

  • pom poms
  • thread
  • a needle
What to do.

1) thread your needle with any length of thread. 

2) push your needle through the center of the pom pom until it is fully on the string.

3) continue doing this neil your thread is full

4) it's done- it make great bedroom decorations

  • I'll post some pics later
BYE! :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Zen gardens

Welcome! This was recommended to me by a friend. It's called a Zen Garden. I don't know what it is but we'll all learn together...

What you need:

  • a shoebox
  • sand
  • a stick or a finger...
  1. take the shoebox and pour the sand in (it should fill at LEAST half the shoebox)
      2. Once that is done draw lines and shapes inside to make it look pretty with the stick or finger. 
     3. When you are done drawing shake the box or you can save it for another day. 
     4. Another day you can draw a new garden again. This is supposed to help calm you when you are in a bad mood.